Book 2 has begun!

Well I started working on a timeline for book two of the crime fiction series a couple of weeks ago and now, even though it is not finished, I have begun working on book 2 itself.

the introduction is coming along nicely – albeit slowly.  I’ve gone over it twice now, already making subtle changes and small edits.

as usual, I’m not doing the first draft on a computer or any kind of electronic interface.  I’m using a spiral notebook (made of 100% recycled materials of course!!) and a pen.

after all, if the pen is mightier than the sword – just imagine how much more powerful it is when up against a keyboard 😂

#writing #author #amwriting

A rose by any other name

#writing #amwriting #amwritingcrimefiction #author

good morning everyone!

A beautiful start to what I’m sure is going to turn out a lovely day!

I have my puppy next to me, sleeping.  My keyboard on my lap all set to type up my handwritten pages for my book.  The sun shining in the window and said window open a crack for some fresh air.

And of course I just opened my book file and realized at some point I’m going to have to totally redo the introduction.  Yet somehow I’m truly not surprised.

I’ve always found that the introduction is the hardest part to write.  My thoughts on the matter are that if you at least have *somethng* to start with, a direction to go in, then you can keep going.  There’s no harm in hitting reverse and going back to the beginning to rewrite it and make it perfect.  If you’re not happy with your work then your readers won’t be either.

Perhaps I’m thinking along the wrong lines but I prefer to believe otherwise.  It helps.  A lot.

Not to mention mapping everything out beforehand for what I want to write (excluding blog posts, I prefer to do those on the fly lol).  I have 26 books mapped out for my crime series already – plots, what crimes were committed, the suspects, victims, witnesses, everything.  I just have to write the stories now :-). And I can’t wait!

Top O’the mornin to ya!

#writing #amwriting #amwritingcrimefiction #author

and once again the title caught you – no shame in admitting it!  Lol

so a couple of things.  People have been coming to me and suggesting things to make blogging easier. Like planning an entry in advance. Not that I don’t appreciate the advice – but I prefer to blog on the fly. And I’m an author.  Writing my book and “planning out a blog post in advance” doesn’t work for me.  One or the other.  Not both.  I blog, then I go and write.  Please don’t suggest advance planning to me, it’s not a possibility.

i know, i know, I said that blogging and I are mere acquaintances and still getting to know each other – however that doesn’t mean I’m asking all of you to message me about how to blog “properly”. There is no proper way to blog, as far as I’m concerned you just let the words flow.  And occasionally turn off the filter between your brain and fingers – sometimes that’s how you get the really interesting stuff to show up!

now, to what I really want to talk about.

some of you are probably wondering why I’m not blogging every single day.  Well that’s because I’m a really busy beaver!  Between work, writing, the course I’m now taking to further my education,  and trying to remember to keep this up to date… I have very little time lol

my crime fiction book – Incoming Tyde – is coming along nicely.  I’m thrilled with the direction it’s taking and the characters are finally cooperating with me and doing what I want them to lol. When they take on a mind of their own it can be very challenging – and yet fun at the same time!

anyway, that’s all for now.  One thing you’ll notice about me – I don’t talk about current events in the world. You might wonder why and the reason is very simple – because I don’t want conflict in replies or comments or messages on this blog.  Consider this a safe haven for everyone.  Somewhere you can come and read things that have nothing to do with what’s going on in the crazy world around us.  A safe place. A place where you can escape to for even just a few moments while you read my entries. And I hope it works. We all need a place to chill and forget all the bad in the world, even for just a few moments.

i ask this of each of you – keep current events out of any comments.  Be kind to each other.  Respect one another.  Treat each other how you want to be treated.

enjoy the rest of the day everyone!  Thanks for reading!

Thoughtful Thursday

#writing #amwriting #amwritingcrimefiction #author

I’m going to run out of daily titles lol (at some point…)

been working quit a bit today and yesterday – which is why there was no blog post yesterday.  Apologies for that!  I really am trying to get better at doing blogs but I’m still fairly new to this so please bear with me.  Twitter and Facebook are my friends, blogging and I are merely just acquaintances for the moment 😂

I want to thank everyone who has started following my blog!  I hope I can keep you entertained lol. Or at the very least – interested!

work on my first crime fiction book is coming along quite nicely. Actually, I’m about to sit down and get some more done.  I want to get as much as possible done before tomorrow because I’m planning on starting my course tomorrow (which I’m so very much looking forward to!!)

since I don’t really have much to say, I’m going to keep this short and sweet.

watched my Force Awakens bluray toe other day – still as good as the first time I saw it in the theatre!  And now I hear of Rogue One coming out soon and, honestly, I can’t wait!

yes, I’m a geek. And darned proud of it!

talk to you all tomorrow!  Have a wonderful day/evening everyone!

Tuesday Tumbles

#writing #author #amwriting #amwritingcrimefiction

I couldn’t help the title, sorry!  The words ran through my head and brought a smile to my face.

In truth, no tumbles happened.  Got your attention, though, didn’t it?  That was my main goal!

Welcome to my Tuesday thoughts.  Which aren’t many.

I got up this morning (4am because my pup had a bad dream and wanted a snuggle.  I know how bad dreams can get so, of course, I obliged with the cuddle), did some writing when we came downstairs 2 hours later (with CSI playing for my inspiration), then did the breakfast thing, followed by a morning siesta (a.k.a. Nap) then back to more writing.

Oh, before I forget and before anyone criticizes the way I write – I’m the type of person who needs ambient noise in order for my ideas to flow without blockage.  CSI and Castle aid in the flow extremely well and help to feed inspiration to my soul.  Without their plots reflecting in my own!  Love it!

Yes, I do work as well however at the moment it’s retail and that means hours are all over the place.  Some days it’s evenings, other days it’s a morning or afternoon.  Luckily dad is always around to look after the pup.  The ways my hours work (pun was NOT intended, I promise you!) gives me lots of time for writing and other things (soon to be studying for that course I mentioned).

I’m one of the few people who absolutely love my job too.  The people I work with are absolutely amazing and friendly.  It’s a wonderful environment and we always try to incorporate a little bit of fun into each day.  Going to work, for me, is like going to my second home.  Not too many people can say that – especially about retail.  I’m a very lucky person to have landed where I did.

So I think that’s enough for now.  Back to writing!!!

Monday, Monday, Monday

#writing #amwriting #amwritingcrimefiction #author

well, thought I’d do a little something before other things distracted me lol

I managed to sneak some more writing in this morning on my crime fiction series, about to get a little bit more in before I have to go do other things…

let’s see, what’s first… Well… It snowed.  And it’s April.  Mother Nature has a sick sense of humour, in my opinion.

It’s been a fairly dull day so far in terms of things happening (that’ll change soon enough this afternoon) which means I was able to get a rest in. Which is a damned good thing considering I woke with a lovely sinus/weather migraine going.  Only an Advil is capable to get rid of my migraines and they tend to knock me out.  Now you know why not much has happened today lol

then of course I found out on the weekend my favourite news show in the mornings eliminated the position of one of my favourite reporters.  I decided to take the morning off from watching the show today and voiced my opinion on it.  Well didn’t one of the hosts jump down my throat about it.  I say a lot of nice things about that show, to that same host, and have never heard a peep.  I say one thing about not watching today and the host reacts in a very negative way.  Nearly bullying to be honest.  But I let it go as I know the “loss” of the one reporter because the company couldn’t find her another position has affected all of them.  However this one host does seem to take issue with people voicing their opinions about it.  Sorry bud, now I definitely won’t be watching again.  And you have yourself to blame for that one.  Way to alienate a viewer!

please note I have not named the show or those involved – nor will I, please don’t ask.

and to think I was considering seeing about sending them a copy of my book.  I’m going to miss that show.

now I have to see where else might be interested in reading/talking about my book.

anyway, all roads do lead to writing.  Other shows give me the push I need – especially for my crime series.  I find watching Castle and CSI (the original) help fuel my juices.

I think this is long enough lol I’m going to go get some more writing and thinking done!  Later, peeps!

Sunday Morning Musings

#writing #amwriting #amwritingcrimefiction #author

for those wondering, first of all, I’m putting tags at the top of each entry because I’m also posting on Twitter and Facebook via WordPress.  Makes life a lot easier!

so, I haven’t really had a chance to do any writing thus far today.  Went out for breakfast (was ok, not great, but ok), had my morning snuggles with my almost 2 year old puppy before breakfast, then came home and had to do some housework (ah the trials and tribulations of responsibilities lol).

My plans for this afternoon include, what I call, pre-studying for the course I’m going to be signing up for this week and then, only if I grow weary of that, onto writing.  But I really want to get some studying in as the focus of this course is something I truly long to do with my life.  On top of writing.

now, going back to the whole writing notion.

I think I’m one of those few people who don’t really write for a profit.  I don’t care if I make money (yes, of course it’s nice and a perk).  I write because I love to.  I want to share stories with my readers.  That being said, I will only ever publish (I self-publish at the moment) paperback books.  Why is that, you ask?  Because I’m of the very firm belief that in order to become truly lost in the story an author is trying to tell, there is no better way than feeling the pages under your fingers and turning them.

maybe that’s just me, I don’t know, but I find when I’m reading I get lost and leave reality to delve into the worlds authors create better if I’m actually holding a book versus an e-reader.  I get that ebooks are cheaper and in some cases more convenient, but there’s no describing the feeling of holding a physical book and losing yourself in its depths.

I think that’s all that’s on my mind right now.  I’ll be back soon 😉

Getting there

#writing #amwriting #amwritingcrimefiction

so at last count my typed crime fic is now at around 123 pages and I have more still to type. I’ve had to go back to handwriting because my dear pup keeps using my lap as a bed lol which I love to bits (almost as much as I love here).

but back to the crime fic – it’s going really well, I believe anyway.  I’ve announced the title of the first book and that has been received with a lot of anticipation. Makes me feel good about it!  But at 120 some odd pages, I’m feeling like I’m not even halfway through the actual story. And this book will be the first in, what I hope, will be a long series.

also, I’ll be using WordPress more to post to both Facebook and Twitter as that way I can update all three platforms at once.

I’ll talk to you all soon!  I promise!